> PROGRAM > Symposium "Sensory Ecology"
"Sensory Ecology"


04.06.04 till 05.06.04 University of Potsdam (Chairman: Prof. Dr. G. Neuweiler)

Prof. Dr. S.B. Laughlin ( Cambridge ): "How much does metabolic energy contribute to making sensory ecology work?"

Prof. Dr. E.J. Warrant ( Lund ): "The remarkable visual eyes and vision of nocturnal and deep-sea animals"

Dr. N. Hempel de Ibarra ( Berlin ): "Flower patterns through bee eyes"

Dr. M. Vorobyev ( Brisbane ): "Ecology and evolution of colour vision"

Prof. Dr. H. Römer ( Graz ): "Hearing and sound communication in real habitats: lessons from the tropical forest"

Prof. Dr. H. Mustaparta ( Trondheim ): "How does the olfactory system in insects handle plant odour information?"

Prof. Dr. J. van Loon (Wageningen): "Chemical information transfer in tritrophic systems of plants, herbivores and carnivores"

Prof. Dr. G. Bergström (Göteborg): "Chemical structures and biological functions: chemical ecology meets sensory ecology"

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